MOOS Funding / Request for Assistance


Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess 

The sense of urgency that underlies the MOOS project has meant that we have skipped the traditional process of spending a year or more seeking funding for what is clearly an unconventional and risky project.  Instead, we figured out how to inexpensively start posting initial versions of the Seminars.  Our goal is to demonstrate the viability of the concept sufficiently to obtain the funding needed to assemble the much larger project team and budget that will be required to take the next steps of offering more seminars, translation, more active facilitation, wider participation, improving the “production values,” etc.
We are now moving on to Phase II, and are delighted to report that we have received a $25,000 grant from the Conflict Transformation Project.   This will enable us to launch the beginning of MOOS-Version 2, and gear up for a major fundraising push to be undertaken later in the fall of 2016 and winter of 2017. 

In the meantime, however, if you find our efforts to help society start moving beyond intractability promising, PLEASE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to our account with the University of Colorado Foundation.  As is so often said, "any little bit helps!"   We are committed to making everything that we produce freely available.  We just need to raise enough money to sustain this long enough to prove its value and get the serious funding needed to make it a truly massive, yet sustainable enterprise.  In order to do this we need to raise an additional $50,000 during 2017 .  Please help if you can!

  • Individual Donations — Contributions to the Moving Beyond Intractability MOOS account with the University of Colorado Foundation (a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization) can be made by check,  electronic fund transfer, or online by credit card:
    • Check or Money Order made out to the Conflict Consortium, University of Colorado and mailed to 580 UCB, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0580.
    • Credit Card
      Give Online
    • Electronic Funds Transfer --- Contact the Consortium for more information.
  • Major Core Support MOOS Funding — We will be seeking substantial core support funding for the Moving Beyond Intractability MOOS project in the Spring of 2017 (after we have had a chance to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept).  If you are a funder who might be interested in working with us on this, we'd very much like to hear from you!