Lawrence Susskind

Lawrence (Larry) Susskind is the Ford Professor of Urban and Environmenta Planning at the assachusetts Institute of Technology. He hasserved in a variety of roles at MIT over the past four decades including Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and founder of DUSP’s Environmental Policy and Planning Group, which he currently heads. He teaches full time at MIT, advises a large group of doctoral students and supervises a number of research teams at the MIT Science Impact Collaborative (SIC), including the MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program. He also served as the first Executive Director of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and still serves as Vice Chair of PON.  Professor Susskind is one of America’s most experienced public and environmental dispute mediators, and leading figure in the dispute resolution field.  He has mediated more than fifty complex disputes related to the siting of controversial facilities, the setting of public health and safety standards, the formulation and implementation of development plans and projects and conflicts among racial and ethnic groups — serving on occasion as a special court-appointed master.He is also author of countless articles and books. His full biography can be found here.