Newsletter # 18 -- August 3, 2018
About Moving Beyond Intractability Newsletters
Important information about the Newsletters, sign-up procedures, and strategies for overcoming possible delivery problems is found at the end of this Newsletter. Also available are past newsletters: #9, #10, #11, #12 , #13, #14, #15, #16, #17 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive.
We haven't been adding very many new posts over the last few weeks as we've been traveling, but be have added several Conflict Frontiers posts and a lot of BI in Context Posts which are included below.
Conflict Frontiers Seminar
- Why MPP Isn't Such a Crazy Idea - The civil rights movement, & the environmental movement are both successful "massively parallel" precedents to MPP. -- July 16, 2018
- Massively Parallel Peacebuilding: "Things You Can Do" Actions - Here's a start of a list of things you can do to be a part of MPP.-- July 17, 2018
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th… Order Problems -- Cynicism, reinventing the wheel, information friction and overload are among the problems that need to be tackled. -- July 18, 2018
- Using the MPP Action List: The Authoritarian Populism Example (Part I) -- Here we introduce a set of posts we plan to show how the MPP Action List can actually be used to address a problem that is high on people's minds in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere around the world. -- July 20, 2018
- Using the MPP Action List: The Authoritarian Populism Example (Part II) -- This video highlights a few of the actions from each of the ten challenges on the MPP Action List that are particularly important for addressing the U.S. Authoritarian Populism problem.-- July 21, 2018
Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
- An example of how the military-industrial complex is failing in its basic mission, to provide the weapons we need f --REPORT How War Went Retro and the Pentagon Was Left Behind -- 08/02/2018
- Look at the struggles of the cosmopolitan elite and the gulf between the elites and the rest of the society. -- Down and Out in San Francisco, on $117,000 a Year -- 08/02/2018
- A great profile of what the hi-tech authoritarian alternative to liberal democracy is likely to look like. -- Inside China’s Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras -- 08/01/2018
- The mega-worry of infectious disease--perhaps the most important reason why we need to make government work. --The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready? -- 08/01/2018
- The Pentagon's mission of deterring war is being replaced with a call to provide lethal force to sustain US influen --Pentagon quietly changes 'deter war' mission statement to one that protects America's influence with 'lethal force' --07/31/2018
- Good news for those who see an important role to be played by political moderates who can see both sides of an issu -- The Center Is Sexier Than You Think -- 07/31/2018
- A caution for those frustrated with democracy and thinking that a "benevolent" authoritarian might be better. --Strongmen Die, but Authoritarianism Is Forever -- 07/30/2018
- A well-documented and, in many ways, surprising look at the growing political divide between men and women. --What Happens if the Gender Gap Becomes a Gender Chasm? -- 07/30/2018
- A look at the psychology of "loss aversion" and its potential political implications. -- Two Words That Could Shape the Politics of the Trade War: Loss Aversion -- 07/29/2018
- Thoughtful reflections on the nature of the working class life and the implications of aspiring to something better -- The battered aspirations of the American working class -- 07/29/2018
- The Trump administration abandons a bipartisan agreement to outlaw to undetectable, downloadable, terrorist-friendl --The Age of the Downloadable Gun Begins -- 07/28/2018
- Great graphic showing how escalation works in the context of Trump's trade war. -- How Trump's Trade War Went from 18 Products to 10,000 -- 07/28/2018
- A look at why liberal misunderstandings about the goals and motivations of Trump supporters are part of the problem --Liberal Blind Spots Are Hiding the Truth About ‘Trump Country’ -- 07/27/2018
- A look at why liberal misunderstandings about the goals and motivations of Trump supporters are part of the problem --Liberal Blind Spots Are Hiding the Truth About ‘Trump Country’ -- 07/27/2018
- An examination of the unprecedented challenge that high-tech authoritarianism poses to liberal democracy. -- How Artificial Intelligence Will Reshape the Global Order -- 07/27/2018
- An exploration of evidence that the Russian influence scandal may extend to Congress as well. -- Are Republicans Covering for Trump, or for Themselves? -- 07/26/2018
- An argument that the foreign policy establishment ought to acknowledge and learn from its many recent errors. -- Why Trump Is Getting Away With Foreign-Policy Insanity -- 07/26/2018
- For those trying to understand the rise of conservatism, a well-documented look at its relationship to social spend --Why Don’t We Always Vote in Our Own Self-Interest? -- 07/25/2018
- A primer on the Russian concepts of "kompromat" and "sistema" and their corrupt, blackmail-oriented economy. -- A Theory of Trump Kompromat -- 07/25/2018
- For those who think that proving "collusion" will end Trump administration, new "Russia is our ally" talking points -- A New Talking Point From the Pro-Trump Fringe -- 07/24/2018
- A hopeful vision for a new and healthier kind of politics -- one focused primarily on solving local problems. -- The Localist Revolution -- 07/24/2018
- On the 50th anniversary of Sakharov's essay on Peaceful Coexistence & Intellectual Freedom, a call to protect human-- The Essay That Helped Bring Down the Soviet Union -- 07/23/2018
- As we debate NATO, remember that collective security is an important defense against large-scale aggression. --Trump’s Biggest Gift to Putin -- 07/23/2018
- For those trying to help address democracy's many crises, a useful report from the Democracy Project. -- The Democracy Project: Reversing a Crisis of Confidence -- 07/17/2018
- A reminder that the forces reshaping our politics are much broader than just the United States. -- Why Are So Many Political Parties Blowing Up? (Part 1) -- 07/17/2018
Things YOU Can Do To Help Blog
- No new posts since last newsletter.
Conflict Fundamentals Seminar
- No new posts since last newsletter
BI Newsletters - General Announcements
Every two weeks or so, we will compile posts from the Frontiers Seminar, the Fundamentals Seminar, the Things Everyone Can Do to Help Blog, and the Beyond Intractability in Context Blog into a Newsletter that will be posted here and sent out by email to subscribers. You can sign up to receive your copy on our Newsletter Sign Up Page and find the latest newsletter as well as all past newsletters here.
Past newsletters: #9, #10, #11, #12 , #13, #14, #15, #16, #17 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive.
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