Frontiers Seminar Blog
Constructive Confrontation Initiative Spring 2018 Posts to Date
See Syllabus for additional background posts and planned, future posts (many of which are now accessible).
Other Blogs: MOOS Fundamentals | BI in Context | Colleague Activities
Posts ordered from most recent to earliest.
Lederach's circle of conflict transformation shows how to design change processes that work.
Leaders at three levels of society all contribute to peace, but those at the middle-level are often the most effective.
Conflicts exist in many levels at once - seeing these helps you see the entire conflict system.
An introductory look at a developing new paradigm for peacebuilding: using systems thinking and complexity analysis
Intractable conflicts are "wicked problems" that need an entirely new paradigm to deal with, says Chip Hauss.
Peace cultivation and massively parallel peacebuilding: two ideas for a new complexity-oriented conflict paradigm.
If they'd just talk, they could work it out! Exploring this and other bad assumptions.
Can you be "rational" about conflict?
In conflict, we often blame the other. But then that person or group gets defensive, and the conflict often escalates.
Are conflict and war inevitable? Is "compromise" bad? Common attitudes turn us into cynics and block learning.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Why do we do that with conflict?
Business-as-usual strategies don't work for intractable conflicts--they often make them worse!
Conflict problems associated with wisely and equitably managing the social, political, economic, and environmental "commons" are society's real "limit to growth."
What are the parallels between intractable conflicts and climate change? There are many--and much to be learned from studying them.
Why are intractable conflicts like the earth and an onion? They all have multiple layers that hide the core.
Why can't we fix our serious social, economic, political, and environmental problems? Because we don't know how to deal with the underlying conflicts!
Intractable conflicts aren't impossible to resolve--they are just very difficult. Recognizing their true nature is the first step towards transformation.
Limiting the destructiveness of today's big and intractable conflicts will require majors advances at the frontiers of the peace and conflict fields.
An examination of conflict knowledge and skills to help advocates get their interests and needs met without creating backlash from the other side.