Newsletter # 21 -- Oct 26, 2018
About Moving Beyond Intractability Newsletters
Important information about the Newsletters, sign-up procedures, and strategies for overcoming possible delivery problems is found at the end of this Newsletter. Also available are past newsletters: 9, #10, #11, #12 , #13, #14, #15, #16, #17 , #18, #19 #20 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive.
We have now started adding new Frontiers material again, so we are re-starting the newsletter. We have decided to restructure the Conflict Frontiers Seminar to turn it into a seminar series, making the earlier "units" into their own (more manageably sized) seminars that now include, in addition to the original Conflict Frontiers posts, related material from our other seminars (e.g., the Conflict Fundamentals Seminars, The BI-in-Context Blog, and the Things You Can Do to Help Blog.
Before we continued on from where we had left off in September, we decided it would be worth re-posting the original material, since so many of our users have come in after our initial "beginning." So the first new posts are an introduction to the new Conflict Frontiers Structure, and then Seminars 1 through 6, which review the materials that have been posted over the last two years. Today we are starting Seminar 7, which is new, and is focused on what we (and others) are calling the "Authoritarian Populism Problem." We will include that in the next newsletter.
Conflict Frontiers Seminar
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar: Quick Start Guide -- A new overview of the Beyond Intractability system and the many resources it offers to those concerned about destructive conflict.
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 1 -- Understanding the Intractable Conflict Problem -- Destructive dynamics associated with intractable conflict are as big a threat as climate change. Find out why!
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 2 -- Pushing the Frontier: the Limits of Business-as-Usual Approaches -- More of the same isn't enough--we need new approaches to successfully address intractable conflicts.
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 3 -- Introduction to Complexity and "Systems Thinking": Theoretical Antecedents -- Nests, cycles, attractors, and paradigms -- new ways of thinking about conflict and its resolution.
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 4 -- Moving Toward a Complexity-Oriented Paradigm -- We need a new strategy tailored to intractable conflict's gigantic, tangled web of causes and consequences.
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 5 -- Introduction to Massively Parallel Peacebuilding (MPP) -- While there is no simple way to "resolve" intractable conflicts, a complexity-oriented approach can make them less destructive.
- Conflict Frontiers Seminar 6--Figuring Out What Is Going On (MPP Challenge 1) -- Widespread, and overly simplistic, "us vs. them" ways of thinking about conflict underlies much of its destructiveness.
Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
- An encouraging example of what can happen when a community decides to work together to address common problems. -- A Really Good Thing Happening in America -- 10/25/2018
- A reminder of the fuzzy but all important relationship between economic competition, geopolitics, and the risk of w --This Is What Sleepwalking Into War Looks Like -- 10/25/2018
- A rare chance to see time in action, a set of 30 year time lapse images of how the earth is changing. -- Timelap --10/24/2018
- From a billionaire plutocrat, a much needed appeal for other plutocrats to support efforts to limit the concentrati -- To My Fellow Plutocrats: You Can Cure Trumpism -- 10/24/2018
- A report showing astonishingly weak support for efforts to promote "politically correct" behavior. Time for a new s --Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture -- 10/23/2018
- Yet another example of actions that are driving the escalation spiral in terrifying ways. Is Fox really doing this? -- Fox's midterm engagement strategy is telling its viewers that Democrats are coming to kill them -- 10/23/2018
- While we are, obviously, long way from solving the problem, I found this report on Facebook's efforts better-than-e --Hard Questions: What is Facebook Doing to Protect Election Security? -- 10/22/2018
- For anyone who wants to see democracy work, a critique of recent liberal actions that is worthy of serious consider --Democrats Are Blowing It, Again -- 10/22/2018
- Stunning and surprising new genetic technology that is further eroding individual privacy. -- Most White Americans’ DNA Can Be Identified Through Genealogy Databases Most White Americans’ -- 10/21/2018
- In our age of fake news and constant attacks on mainstream media (MSM) reassuring signs that media trust is recover-- U.S. Media Trust Continues to Recover From 2016 Low -- 10/21/2018
- Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts?-a look at Moynihan, a different kind of politi -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the Anti-Trump of American Politics -- 10/20/2018
- An thought-provoking look at the very tough, but critically important questions raised by our new meritocratic aris -- It's time to abandon the cruelty of meritocracy -- 10/20/2018
- An exploration of a positive kind of nationalism that would better address the legitimate concerns raised by Pres. --What the Left Misses About Nationalism -- 10/19/2018
- A review of a new book by Ben Sasse arguing that much of our problem is attributable to a new kind of social anomie -- We Have An Epidemic Of Loneliness -- 10/19/2018
- A revealing look at how much of our conflict is being driven by disconnected elites on the left and the right. -- The Rich White Civil War -- 10/18/2018
- An eye-opening profile of Newt Gingrich and his philosophy--the antithesis of peacebuilding and collaborative gover --The Man Who Broke Politics -- 10/18/2018
- A rare proposal for actually providing more affordable housing. We need to encourage and seriously consider ideas l --Elizabeth Warren’s Ambitious Fix for America’s Housing Crisis -- 10/16/2018
- An argument for building political support the old-fashioned way, earning it. -- The Best Way for Democrats to Win Working-Class Voters -- 10/16/2018
- Amid the gloom, we seem to have passed a stunning milestone, half of the world's population is now middle class or --A global tipping point: Half the world is now middle class or wealthier -- 10/15/2018
- A major new series from the Guardian on the role that the super rich play in US society. -- Big Money -- 10/15/2018
- A persuasive strategy for making us all a lot happier, relax, enjoy our leisure time, and quit being so competitive -- In Praise of Mediocrity -- 10/14/2018
- Some hope that we may be getting to the point where tax cuts can't be sold as the solution to all problems. -- Tax cuts: The gift that keeps not giving -- 10/14/2018
- An insightful exploration of the surprising differences in the lives of the 1% and the .01%. -- Why Don't the 1 Percent Feel Rich? -- 10/13/2018
- It looks like Argentina will be the next country to face catastrophic suffering at the hands of the global economy. --Argentines Economic Crisis is Intensifying -- 10/13/2018
- A rare, good news story from Lebanon about the stunning success of its efforts to assist Syrian refugees. -- A miracle in the Middle East -- 10/11/2018
- We can't let ourselves fall into the trap of blaming it all on Russia, our political problems are largely homegrown --Russian Meddling Is a Symptom, Not the Disease -- 10/11/2018
2018 Newsletter #9 | #10 | #11 |#12 | # 13 | # 14 | #15, #16, #17 , #18, #19 #20 and 2017 Newsletter Archive
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