Newsletter #4
June 8, 2017
This newsletter includes the Frontiers Seminar Unit 3, an Introduction to Complexity and Systems Thinking, which reviews the work of a number of our colleagues who are or were thinking and working in related ways. This newsletter also includes The Fundamentals Unit 3 on Conflict Parties and the last week's posts from the Additional Resources Blog.
Frontiers Seminar Unit 3: Introduction to Complexity and "Systems Thinking" - Theoretical Antecedents
- Developing a Systems/Complexity Paradigm -- This video provides an introductory look at a developing new paradigm for peacebuilding: using systems thinking and complexity analysis to better understand wicked problems and difficult and intractable conflicts. (May 1, 2017)
- Dugan's "Nested Theory of Conflict" -- Conflicts exist on many levels at once - seeing these helps you see the conflict system. (May 2, 2017)
- Lederach's Pyramid -- Leaders at three levels of society all contribute to peace, but those at the middle-level are often the most effective, explains John Paul Lederach in Building Peace, an early exploration of systems, complexity, and peace. (May 3, 2017)
- Lederach's Big Picture of Conflict Transformation -- Lederach’s circle of conflict transformation shows how to design change processes that work. (May 4, 2017)
- Diamond and McDonald's Multi-track Diplomacy -- Diplomats are not just officials, but include 9 different types of people--all contributing towards peacebuilding. These nine tracks together create a synergy that consistutes a "systems approach to peace." (May 5, 2017)
- Ury's "Third Side" -- How YOU can help transform difficult conflicts! Everyone has a role to play! (May 8, 2017)
- Coleman's "Five Percent Part 1 -- Peter Coleman says intractable conflicts are by formed powerful “attractors” or seemingly inescapable traps. (May 9, 2017)
- Coleman's "Five Percent" Part 2 -- Coleman says intractable conflicts can be tamed by 3 steps --learn what they are! (May 10, 2017)
- Ricigliano's SAT model -- Complex conflicts require complex responses: the SAT and PAL models are linked approaches for doing just that. (May 11, 2017)
- Hauss's "New Paradigm" -- Intractable conflicts are "wicked problems" that need an entirely new paradigm to deal with says Chip Hauss. (May 15, 2017)
Fundamentals Seminar Unit 3: Conflict Parties
- First Parties, Third Parties, and Thirdsiders - Everyone can play a role in making conflicts better--or worse! (May 1, 2017)
- Ury's "Third Side"' - "Third siders" are disputants and outsiders - united in a desire to transform conflicts for the better. (May 2, 2017)
- Leaders and Leadership - James MacGregor Burns, observed, "Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth." These resources examine the dynamics between a group and their leader. (May 3, 2017)
- Lederach's Pyramid - Leaders at 3 levels of society can contribute to peace, but the middle level is often the most effective. (May 4, 2017)
- Within-Party Differences Not everyone on the “other side” is the same: some are open to compromise and others not. Don't lump them together. (May 5, 2017)
- "Extremists" and Spoilers - Violent extremism is one of the most difficult challenges our time. We MUST design better ways of preventing it. (May 6, 2017)
Fundamentals Seminar Unit 4: Examining Causes of Intractable Conflicts: Core Factors
- Core and overlay distinction - The more eight "core factors" are present, the more likely a conflict will become intractable. Part 1 (May 8, 2017)
- Core and Overlays Part 2 - Eleven "complicating factors" obscure the core conflict and make it even more difficult to deal with effectively. (May 9. 2017)
- High-Stakes Distributional Issues - When conflicts over who gets what really matter--they are high stakes--they drive intractability. (May 10, 2017)
- Inequality (Rich/Poor Conflicts) Conflicts between the rich and the poor are intractable in many contexts. -(May 11, 2017)
- Moral Conflicts - Moral conflicts often become intractable, as neither side is willing to compromise their deeply-held beliefs. (May 22, 2017)
- Identity Issues - Identity conflicts often become intractable, but such outcomes are avoidable. (May 31, 2017)
- Status and power struggles - Social status lies at the core of most of the political conflicts raging today. Read why. (June 7, 2017)
- Power - Why don't more powerful parties always win? Power is deceptive...the "weak" sometimes have more! (June 8. 2017)
- Oppression - This intro to a 6-essay series focuses on the causes and impacts of oppression and how it can be overcome. (June 9, 2017)
- Humiliation - Evelin Lindner calls humiliation the "atom bomb of emotions" because it does such profound damage to relationships. (June 9. 2017)
Recent Posts from the Additional Resources Blog
- The Dumb Politics of Elite Condescension -- The dumb politics of elite condescension--a big part of the reason why the progressive left is so unpopular. -- 06/07/2017
- The Republican Hypocrisy Hall of Fame -- The "Hypocrisy Hall of Fame," a classic illustration of the difference between reasons and excuses. -- 06/07/2017
- Connecting the Dots: Political Microtargeting and the Russia Investigation -- More about micro-targeted propaganda, Russia, Cambridge Analytica, and this new kind of interstate conflict. -- 06/06/2017
- Accenture, Burning Glass and Harvard Business School Identify ‘Middle-Skills’ Jobs Critical to U.S. Competitiveness -- A hopeful exploration of opportunities at the middle skill level that can help us address the "left behind" problem. -- 06/06/2017
- How to Get Power -- From TED, an article about "How to Get Power" through persuasion and storytelling. -- 06/05/2017
- The GOP May Want to Consider a Bipartisan Obamacare Replacement -- In our polarized environment, an explanation of why the GOP should consider a bipartisan Obamacare replacement. -- 06/05/2017
- The End of History is the Birth of Tragedy -- From Foreign Policy, a reminder that Americans have forgotten that historic tragedies on a global scale are real. -- 06/04/2017
- 8 Ways to Get a Difficult Conversation Back on Track -- From the Harvard Business Review, eight good ideas for getting a difficult conversation back on track -- 06/04/2017
- Donald Trump Poisons the World -- Eloquent challenge to the Trump administration's selfish, amoral, & foolish rejection of the very idea of community -- 06/03/2017
- Could artificial intelligence lead to world peace? -- A surprising and strong argument that artificial intelligence could help us scale up peace building efforts. -- 06/03/2017
- The US Strategy of Annihilation and Humiliation -- A window into Defense Secretary Mattis' strategy for defeating ISIS--annihilation and humiliation! -- 06/02/2017
- Americans’ Attitudes About the News Media Deeply Divided Along Partisan Lines --Documentation of stunning increases in partisan differences about US media credibility--a big part of the problem. -- 05/27/2017
- The Collapse of American Identity -- Provocative essay exploring the collapse of the "We are Americans" identity group -- 05/27/2017
- Republicans Don't Feel Your Pain -- Thomas Edsall's analysis of the latest health care bill documenting the GOP's greed & betrayal of its constituents. -- 05/26/2017
- If It Happened There: Political Chaos as Regime Purges Powerful Security Chief -- The Comey firing edition of the Slate series that reports US events as if they'd happened in another country. -- 05/26/2017
- The Census and Right-Wing Hysteria -- A thoughtful exploration of the complexities of racial identity in light of the debate over the upcoming census. -- 05/25/2017
- The Path of Most Resistance The promise—and perils—of the fight against Trump. -- For anyone who identifies with the "resistance," a thoughtful exploration of its successes, promise, and perils.-- 05/25/2017
- Why Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert Say Colleges and Universities Are Broken They aren't just complai -- A big-name critique of higher education and a plea for more focus on working with people to solve real problems. -- 05/24/2017
- All the Infrastructure a Tyrant Would Need, Courtesy of Bush and Obama -- The US has made itself vulnerable to "devils" in public office by assuming that it will always be led by "angels." --05/24/2017
- 21st-century propaganda: A guide to interpreting and confronting the dark arts of persuasion --Great overview of what everyone ought to know about 21st-century propaganda techniques. --05/23/2017
- If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must be Doing Something Right -- On the right, an important strategic shift from defending Trump to attacking the left as even worse. -- 05/23/2017
- How Capitalism Created "Cool" -- How Capitalism Created Cool, great exploration of neuromarketing & the complexities of human decision-making. -- 05/22/2017
- Fragile States Index 2017: Factionalization and Group Grievance Fuel Rise in Instability -- The 2017 Fragile States Index is out. Surprise, the United States is on the list of deteriorating societies. -- 05/22/2017
- Capitalists are destroying capitalism. They must be stopped -- Review of important new book: "The Limits of the Market, the Pendulum between Government and Market." -- 05/21/2017
- Hack Job: How America Invented Cyberwar -- From Foreign Affairs, an excellent review of two books describing how the United States invented cyber war. -- 05/22/2017
- They hate the US government, and they're multiplying: the terrifying rise of 'sovereign citizens' --Sovereign citizens who hate the US government are a growing threat of right wing terrorism. --05/21/2017
- America's geography of wealth: the shrinking urban middle class visualised -- Nifty graphics of major US urban areas showing the geography of middle-class decline & increasing areas of wealth. -- 05/21/2017
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