Newsletter #25

Newsletter # 25 --  Dec. 17, 2018

About Moving Beyond Intractability Newsletters

Important information about the Newsletters, sign-up procedures, links to past newsletters, and strategies for overcoming possible delivery problems is found at the end of this Newsletter.  

About this Newsletter

Our last Newsletter brought readers and viewers up to date on our Conflict Frontiers Posts, and this newsletter contains the associated Things YOU Can Do to Help Posts that are being released as part of the same seminar (Frontiers Seminar 8).  (You may remember that we are now including Things YOU Can Do to Help, Conflict Fundamentals, and BI in Context Posts in the Frontiers Seminars.)  This newsletter also contains the BI-in Context Posts that have appeared since the last newsletter, along with ones that are scheduled between now and Jan 1. 

Things to Do to Help Blog

Beyond Intractability in Context Blog

Already Posted:

Forthcoming Posts (this takes us to the end of this year).

About the MBI Newsletters

Every two weeks or so, we will compile the new posts from the Frontiers Seminar, the Fundamentals Seminar, the Things Everyone Can Do to Help Blog, and the Beyond Intractability in Context Blog into a Newsletter that will be posted here and sent out by email to subscribers. You can sign up to receive your copy on our Newsletter Sign Up Page and find the latest newsletter as well as all past newsletters here on our Newsletter page.

Also available are past newsletters: 9#10#11, #12 #13, #14#15#16, #17 #18,  #19 , #20, #21, #22 #23, #24 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive.

NOTE! If you signed up for this Newsletter and don't see it in your inbox, it might be going to one of your other emails folder (such as promotions, social, or spam).  Check there or search for, and if you still can't find it, please contact us