Newsletter # 17 -- July 13, 2018
About Moving Beyond Intractability Newsletters
Important information about the Newsletters, sign-up procedures, and strategies for overcoming possible delivery problems is found at the end of this Newsletter. Also available are past newsletters: 9, #10, #11, #12 , #13, #14, #15, #16 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive (Newsletters 1-8) .
Since our last emailed newsletter, we have started Phase II of the Moving Beyond Intractability Massive Open Online Seminar, which we refer to as the Massively Parallel Peacebuilding Program. The introductory posts explaining what that means follow, along with the latest Beyond Intractability In Context Posts. Conflict Fundamentals and Things YOU Can Do to Help posts will be resuming soon.
Conflict Frontiers Seminar
- Frontiers Seminar Part II: Introduction to Massively Parallel Peacebuilding - Part II of the Frontiers Seminar shows how EVERYONE can and must get involved in solving today's big problems. -- July 9. 2018
- The Risk of Large-Scale Civil Unrest and Violence in the United States -- Are we on the brink of catastrophe...and if so, can we step back...or will we fall (or jump)? -- July 10, 2018
- The Peace and Democracy-Building Continuum -- In 1978, it looked as if democracy and peace were advancing globally. Now they are both retreating. Can we reverse that trend? -- July 11, 2018
- The Peacebuilding / Constructive Confrontation Synthesis -- Good conflict resolution skills are not just for peacebuilders--they are crucial for disputants as well. -- July 12, 2018
- Massively Parallel Peacebuilding (MPP) -- Massively Parallel Peacebuilding enlists everyone engaged in or affected by conflict to help change its destructive course. -- July 13, 2013
Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
- Good advice for those who want to to be more persuasive. Five Features of Better Arguments -- 7/16/2018
- Rare good news on the immigration front, the US and Canada are (or at least used to be) the most inclusive. US and Canada are most inclusive to immigrant citizens, global study finds. -- 7/16/2018
- Based on Berkeley's experience, a thoughtful look at the nature and manipulation of today's free-speech debate. How Social-Media Trolls Turned U.C. Berkeley Into a Free-Speech Circus. -- 7/13/2018
- Harvard admissions policies, the nature of the meritocracy, and disproportionate outcomes is an equity measure. Opinion: Harvard Is Wrong That Asians Have Terrible Personalities -- 7/13/2018
- A look at the political utility of manufactured crises. Why Trump Keeps Creating Crises -- 7/12/2018
- For those, like me, who still don't get it, graphical explanation of the essential components of a "block chain." --Blockchain explained -- 07/11/2018
- A serious look at an important question, how are extremists able to garner so much support? -- Why Moderates Support Extreme Groups -- 07/11/2018
- Great interactive exploration of the differences between immigration realities and public perceptions. -- Migrants Are on the Rise Around the World, and Myths About Them Are Shaping Attitudes -- 07/10/2018
- Amid all the anguish over the deterioration of the "liberal world order," questions about whether it ever existed. -- The Myth of the Liberal Order -- 07/10/2018
- A new and useful strategy for more effectively combating misinformation and propaganda, the "truth sandwich!" --Instead of Trump’s propaganda, how about a nice ‘truth sandwich’? -- 07/09/2018
- A "realist's" look at current events on a 100+ year timeline with valuable insights. -- Realist World -- 07/09/2018
- A surprising statistic, less than 3% of academic publications on gender theory mentioned motherhood. -- Is motherhood the unfinished work of feminism? -- 07/08/2018
- An exploration of the implication of President Trump's supportive statements for dictators worldwide. -- Trump to Dictators: Have a Nice Day -- 07/06/2018
- An essay featuring a new and useful word "anti-liberal trolls" and an examination of US state-sponsored thuggery. --The Rise of the Amnesty Thugs -- 07/05/2018
- Another new milestone in the development of Artificial Intelligence, machines that are trying their hand at debate. --IBM Unveils System That ‘Debates’ With Humans -- 07/05/2018
- Another article on an underappreciated but critically important topic, linguistic warfare. -- Trump has turned words into weapons. And he's winning the linguistic war -- 07/04/2018
- A review of a book that explains something that we should all know, but don't, How did the Nazis come to power? --How Did the Nazis Gain Power in Germany? -- 07/03/2018
- For political neophytes needing to build their civic skills, an NYTimes Guide: How to Participate in Politics. -- How to Participate in Politics -- 07/02/2018
- With little consideration of associated risks, the US is now initiating more offensive cyber-warfare operations. --Pentagon Puts Cyberwarriors on the Offensive, Increasing the Risk of Conflict -- 07/02/2018
- A review of an important new book on political polarization in the United States and what to do about it. -- The Cry of the Centrist: In ‘Tailspin,’ Steven Brill Bemoans a Polarized America -- 07/01/2018
Things YOU Can Do To Help Blog
- No new posts since last newsletter.
Conflict Fundemantals Seminar
- No new posts since last newsletter
BI Newsletters - General Announcements
Every week or two (sometimes three), we will compile posts from the Frontiers Seminar, the Fundamentals Seminar, the Things Everyone Can Do to Help Blog, and the Beyond Intractability in Context Blog into a Newsletter that will be posted here and sent out by email to subscribers. You can sign up to receive your copy on our Newsletter Sign Up Page and find the latest newsletter as well as all past newsletters on our Newsletter page.
Highly dedicated readers may notice that we skipped a newsletter number with this mailing. Although we have been posting BI in Context posts almost daily, we were unable to post other kinds of posts over the last several weeks due to travel. So we didn't send out a newsletter. If you want to see what BI in Context Posts came between this newsletter and the last one we mailed (Newsletter # 15), you can go online to read them in Newlsetter # 16 which was not mailed out, but is available online.
2018 Newsletters: #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | # 13 | # 14 | # 15 | # 16 | 2017 Newsletter Archive (Newsletters #1-8)
NOTE! If you signed up for this Newsletter and don't see it in your inbox, it might be going to one of your other emails folder (such as promotions, social, or spam). Check there or search for, and if you still can't find it, please contact us.