Newsletter #14

MBI Newsletter

Newsletter # 14 --  May 9, 2018

About Moving Beyond Intractability Newsletters

Important information about the Newsletters, sign-up procedures, and strategies for overcoming possible delivery problems is found at the end of this Newsletter.   Also available are past newsletters: #9#10, #11, #12 and the 2017 Newsletter Archive.

Things YOU Can Do To Help Blog

  • Seek Co-existence, Not Total Victory -- The demand for total victory is a recipe for continuing and deepening strife--co-existence is essential for peace. -- April 27, 2018
  • Minimize the Use of Force -- Exchange and respect are more powerful than force--they persuade without causing backlash. -- April 30, 2018
  • Play a "Third Side Role" -- "Third siders" are disputants and outsiders - united in a desire to transform conflicts for the better. -- May 4, 2018

Conflict Frontiers Seminar

Conflict Fundamentals Seminar

Unit 4: Core Factors, Continued

  • Identity Issues -- Identity has long been identified as a driver of intractability. This essay explains why, and what can be done to address these conflicts. -- April 14, 2018
  • Status and power struggles -- Another core driver of intractability--the fight over social status never seems to end, as is discussed in this Fundamentals Post. -- April 15, 2018
  • Power -- Power, also, is more complex than it seems. This explains the difference between power sources, power strategies and when to use what. -- April 16, 2018
  • Oppression -- Written by well-known conflict scholar Morton Deutsch, the entire series is more relevant today than ever. -- April 18, 2018
  • Humiliation -- While commonly used, humiliation is extremely destructive--to its victims, and also, often, to the person or group doing the humiliation as well. -- April 19, 2018

Unit 5: Overlay Factors

  • Stereotypes -- Negative stereotypes eem to be flying particularly fast in social media and political discourse these days. The implications are extremely dangerous. -- April 27, 2018
  • Enemy Images -- Similar to stereotypes, breaking down enemy images is essential to conflict transformation. -- April 28, 2018
  • Cultural and Worldview Frames -- Another kind of framing is explained here, along with its implications for conflict exacerbation and transformation. -- April 29, 2018
  • Rational and nonrational decision-making -- This Fundamentals post continues the examination of emotions' role in conflict decision making. -- April 30, 2018
  • Psychological Dynamics of Intractable Conflict -- This begins a set of essays by Daniel Bar-Tal, explaining how psychological dynamics can drive group, as well as individual, behavior. -- May 1, 2018
  • Ethos of Conflict -- The second Bar-Tal essay exploring group psychological dynamics. -- May 3, 2018
  • Siege Mentality -- A third in the Bar-Tal series of group psychological dynamics. -- May 7, 2018
  • Delegitimization -- The fourth and last of Bar-Tal's essays exploring group psychological dynamics. -- May 8, 2018
  • Victimhood -- Often both sides see themselves as the victim and the other as the aggressor. This essay explores this complicated psychology and its impacts. -- May 9, 2018


Beyond Intractability in Context Blog

BI Newsletters and General Announcements

Every week or so, we will compile posts from the Frontiers Seminar, the Fundamentals Seminar, the Things Everyone Can Do to Help Blog, and the Beyond Intractability in Context Blog into a Newsletter that will be posted here and sent out by email to subscribers. You can sign up to receive your copy on our Newsletter Sign Up Page and find the latest newsletter as well as all past newsletters here on our Newsletter page.

2018 Newsletter #9 | 2018 Newsletter #10 | 2018 Newsletter #11 | 2018 Newsletter #12 | 2018 Newsletter # 13 | 2017 Newsletter Archive

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