Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
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Posts ordered from most recent to earliest.
- From an Arab commentator, a surprising critique of Hezbollah's military strategy. -- ‘You dared to strike at Israel, now they’ve sent you back 1,000 years’ – Arab commentator mocks Hezbollah -- Sep 23
- A wake up call highlighting the largely unrecognized threat posed by another rapidly advancing military technology -- biowarfare. -- Unprepared for the rising, nightmarish risk of biological Warfare -- Sep 23
- Pax Americana relied heavily upon expensive US weapon systems -- systems that are rapidly becoming obsolete and ineffective (and are not being replaced). -- America Isn’t Ready for the Wars of the Future: And They’re Already Here -- Sep 23
- A profile about an artist famous for disdaining the cult of personality and challenging the art world to address society's tough issues. -- Why Are Museums So Afraid of This Artist? -- Sep 22
- Important reflections on the differing ways in which the world has responded to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and October 7 -- The Distance between September and October is Far More than a Month -- Sep 22
- An overview of an important new book that offers a major upgrade to economic thinking -- an upgrade that promises to improve our ability to deal with the astonishing complexities of today's economy. -- Economic Theory for the Real World -- Sep 22
- An illuminating attempt to apply the long war perspective to the ongoing conflict between Israel and its neighbors. -- Israel and the Coming Long War -- Sep 21
- An attempt to understand the motivations behind those who seek out information that deceptively demonizes Western democracies. -- The Americans Who Yearn for Anti-American Propaganda -- Sep 21
- An illuminating look at the intellectual foundations at the enormously consequential philosophical perspective of postmodernism. -- How French Intellectuals Ruined the West -- Sep 21
- A TED Talk with Bret Stephens and Yordanos Eyoel who discuss why democracy is still our best hope. They also offer ways we can strengthen our societies by learning to disagree more constructively. -- Democracy Requires Disagreement. Here’s How To Do It Better. -- Sep 21
- A former NATO commander (and self-described skeptic of Israeli actions) reports on his fact-finding mission to Israel and Gaza. -- I fought in Iraq — I know Israel’s doing all it can to save civilians -- Sep 21
- Thoughtful reflections on a critically important question -- whether or not the recent use of force against Hezbollah is increasing or decreasing the risk of a wider war. -- Hezbollah device attacks: Is this a prelude to war, or an alternative? -- Sep 21
- A quick summary of the report of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy -- a politically neglected, but critically important, warning about the West's declining ability to deter war and defend itself. -- U.S. Shrugs as World War III Approaches -- Sep 21
- For a time in which DEI programs are clearly not delivering on the racial harmony that they promised, a critical review of current practices and the thoughts about more promising approaches. -- D.E.I. Is Not Working on College Campuses. We Need a New Approach. -- Sep 20
- A big report from the Wall Street Journal on where the rapidly changing field of Artificial Intelligence is taking us. -- What’s Ahead for Artificial Intelligence -- Sep 20
- For a time in which faith in US democracy is plummeting, a review of the reasons why so many people have, throughout history, found the United States' founding principles to be so inspiring. -- The Enduring Wisdom of America's Founding Documents -- Sep 20
- An essay exploring the hateful rhetoric that provides so much of Twitter/X's energy and the relationship between those views and mainstream public opinion. -- Twitter Runs On Hate -- But Its Users Don't Reflect Real Life -- Sep 20
- An attempt to answer one of today's big mysteries -- why do Palestinians (who are so hostile to so many progressive beliefs) enjoy such strong support from the political left. -- How the Progressive Left Adopted Oppressive 'Palestine' – A Guide -- Sep 19
- The surprising story of the large number of religious groups that see, in ongoing Mideast strife, the fulfillment of long anticipated prophecies. -- Gaza and the Apocalypse -- Sep 19
- A provocative challenge to the idea that racism is responsible for all racial disparities -- and an alternative explanation that is hard to completely refute. -- The Scandal Hidden in Plain Sight -- Sep 19
- As we agonize over the loss of life on the many fronts of Israel's ongoing war, an important reminder that there are a great many other tragedies that deserve attention. -- Can We Be a Little Less Selective With Our Moral Outrage? -- Sep 19
- A short video making the argument that the conflict between Israel and its neighbors is about religion, not land. -- Hamas’s ideological commitment -- Sep 18
- A description of a surprisingly well reasoned strategy for limiting the ways in which grade inflation is distorting the educational incentives of today's college students. -- Abolish Grades -- Sep 18
- A reminder of the enormous human costs that have accompanied, in the wake of US withdrawal, the rise of the Taliban. -- The Taliban Have Reached a New Low. How Can the World Respond? -- Sep 18
- Further thoughts on the complex psychology driving (and, potentially, undermining) hyperpolarization. -- How the psychology of political division could lead us out of it -- Sep 18