Beyond Intractability in Context Blog
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Posts ordered from most recent to earliest.
- A new word to add to the lexicon of parenting philosophies, lighthouse parenting (an option that has a lot to recommend it). -- Lighthouse Parents Have More Confident Kids -- Sep 29
- A thoughtful essay exploring the complex relationship between the violent language we often employ and the way in which we actually behave. -- Don’t Blame Political Violence on Political Rhetoric -- Sep 29
- A somewhat reassuring update on what we really know about US trends with respect to political violence. -- The Surprising Reality of Political Violence in America -- Sep 29
- A Steven Pinker interview with important food for thought on one of the most important "theories of change" -- the ability of ideas to transform the society in which we live. -- “There’s Nothing Mystical About the Idea that Ideas Change History” -- Sep 28
- The description of a solid, practical strategy for reading in ways that promote mutual understanding and empathy, while limiting misinformed and hateful animosities. -- Believing and Doubting -- Sep 28
- In the context of the United States' cherished gun rights, a reminder that rights are not cost free. -- The True Costs of America’s Gun Obsession -- Sep 28
- A first-hand account of how 21st-century Russian propaganda techniques work with important lessons about how we can protect ourselves from internal and external actors willing to use those techniques. -- Confessions of a Russian Propagandist -- Sep 28
- An essay about the great debate of 1940 about America's proper role in the world -- a debate that could inform today's consideration the same issue. -- America first? Or the United States as the leader of the free world? -- Sep 27
- From Anne Applebaum, a profile of Louisiana Governor Huey Long -- a man that she argues figured out how to bring dictatorship to US democracy. -- America’s First True Dictator -- Sep 27
- An examination of the ways in which we are resolving distributional conflicts by pretending that we have more resources than we do. -- Federal Debt Is Soaring. Here’s Why Trump and Harris Aren’t Talking About It. -- Sep 27
- A guide to the many reasons why so many strongly oppose DEI programs (criticisms that the many defenders of those programs really need to address). -- Matt Walsh’s Hilarious New Film Asks: ‘Am I Racist?’ -- Sep 27
- For a time in which we claim to oppose hate and embrace tolerance and diversity, a look at how antisemitic hate (based on Israel's efforts to defend itself from real hate) is driving Jews into internal exile. -- Maybe It’s Time for Jewish Self-Segregation -- Sep 26
- After two thirds of the year, reflections on the increase in the long shadow being cast by the October 7 attack. -- Eight months later, how have things changed? How are we different? Or not? -- Sep 26
- An example of the kind of in-depth reporting that gives us all a chance to separate fact from politically convenient fiction. -- In Colorado, a Murder and a Viral Video Stoke Fears of Migrant Crime -- Sep 26
- A story about a surprising and worrying development -- a significant uptick of the number of people on the political left who are buying guns. -- The Most Surprising New Gun Owners Are U.S. Liberals -- Sep 26
- A controversial and thought-provoking argument that "Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the "civilised" world doesn't know what side it’s on." -- An explosive moment of clarification -- Sep 25
- More reason to think that, in the name of diversity, we are robbing ourselves of the diverse voices that we all need to learn, evolve, and enjoy one another's creative insights. -- Art Under Quiet Siege -- Sep 25
- For those on the left worried about totalitarianism from the right, and interview explaining why many of those on the right fear that the left is a totalitarian force. -- These Four Things Are Behind The Totalitarianism We Are Witnessing -- Sep 25
- A story about how Japan is struggling with an energy trilemma in which it seeks to simultaneously balance economic growth, energy security, and meeting international emissions reductions commitments. -- Japan Offers a Glimpse into the Future -- Sep 25
- An insightful article exploring the strategic implications of Israel's recent attacks on Hezbollah and what these attacks portend for the future of the Middle East. -- Israel’s Strategic Win -- Sep 24
- In theory, fact checking provides one of our most important tools for combating misinformation. This article takes a critical look at the factors undermining the effectiveness of these tools. -- When Fact-Checks Backfire -- Sep 24
- A profile of a surprising new political coalition, the Doomer Optimists -- a group united in opposition to modernity's supposed progress. -- The People Who Rage Against the Machine -- Sep 24
- An exploration of one area in which elites have lost the public's trust, and a call for those in the medical profession to do better. -- The Medical Establishment Closes Ranks, and Patients Feel the Effects -- Sep 24
- An insightful look at the ways in which the commercial success of tech driven dopamine highs is transforming our society. -- The Junkification of American Life -- Sep 23
- A provocative essay exploring the ways in which anger has been cultivated and exploited for political gain. -- Weaponizing Anger is a Useful Political Strategy -- Sep 23