First Name *
Last (Family) Name *
E-Mail *
Organizational Affiliations
Background and Perspective
It would help us if you could tell us a bit about your background and the perspective from which you view intractable conflict-related problems. (Our goal is to be able to craft a final version of the statement that people from a wide range of perspectives can support.)
Overall Assessment
In principle, does this seem like an effort worth pursuing?
Do you have any specific suggestions for improving either the substance or the language of our initial draft documents?
Related Efforts
Are you aware of people working on similar or overlapping efforts who we should contact with the goal of being as mutually supportive as possible?
Other Contacts
Are there other people who you think we should contact at this draft stage?
Future Involvement
Might you be interested in helping us develop and pursue this idea? If so, what might you be interested in doing?
Next Steps
Do you have thoughts or suggestions about next steps that should be taken to pursue these ideas further?
Funding Possibilities
Are you aware of individuals or funding organizations who might be willing to support our initial effort to develop and publicize the ideas?
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